What to do after installing Arch Linux via Termux
Always a fan of Linux, I love being in the command line. I found Termux to be the perfect entry point for installing Arch. There are a few housekeeping commands to do once it’s installed.
Game design, coding, tech
Always a fan of Linux, I love being in the command line. I found Termux to be the perfect entry point for installing Arch. There are a few housekeeping commands to do once it’s installed.
An enterprise application I am developing for is processing my Python scripts using asteval. Without classes, imports, and other built-ins, this presents some interesting challenges for automated testing.
Doing a few things here: Showing log output in the console Writing log output to a file Set logger level import logging LOG_FILE = “your_log_file.log” logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Set up console handler for logging ch = logging.StreamHandler() # Set up file handler for logging fh = logging.FileHandler(LOG_FILE) # Make the log messages look nice…
Problem: I want to import a file in the same folder Problem 2: I want to import a file from a subfolder Solution: Add folder path to Python’s sys.path
So, why doesn’t nosetests run my newly created test file? Python’s nosetests out-of-the-box looks for test files that are prepended with “test_” test classes that are prepended with Test test cases inside of a test class that are prepended with “test_” However, the test files themselves cannot be marked as executable. Nosetests will ignore executable…
Give users the ability to escape any system notifications, with no strings attached. Notifications should respect users’ freedoms. And no more daily nags!
A web browser full of tabs is a pain to move around. The worst offenders in this category in Mac OS (11/12/13) are Opera and Chrome. It’s easy to see why.
I can operate my Macbook in “closed-shell” mode but I never knew about it until I accidentally shut my laptop with my external monitor plugged in … and my monitor stayed on, to my surprise.
Recently the Tables dropdown menu was taken out of Google Docs with no warning, and no user survey was issued to me to discover my work preferences. There’s a better way to make changes.
Time is not money. Time is happiness.